Monday, May 17, 2010

TT4T #1 - Minimizing all your open applications

Sometimes when working, you just wanna get to that desktop - to open another file, find another application, or to take a break from whatever you're doing. Here's how to get rid (minimize) all applications on your screen:

In Windows - hold down the WINDOWS key, then press the letter 'M'. This minimizes all open windows to the taskbar for later use, and leaves you with a nice, clean, desktop.

On a Mac - you have multiple options here (ever tried F11?), but the quickest one is to hide your applications by simply holding down the Command Key (⌘), and pressing 'H'. This hides the current application from view.

How do you get back to application/window? Hold down CTRL (on Windows), then press the TAB key. On a Mac, ⌘+TAB will do it!

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