Tuesday, May 25, 2010

#TT4T 2 - How to switch between applications using your keyboard

Have you ever wanted to quickly glance at your email inbox, then back at your PowerPoint? Well, there's an easy way to do it!

To switch, or toggle, between applications on your system, hold down the Alt key (lower left hand corner on the keyboard) using your left thumb, then press the Tab key (above Caps Lock) repeatedly. On both PC and Mac, you'll see a dialog box with all the applications open, and a square around it as you're alt+tabbing through the applications. Once the application you want to go to is selected, let go, and voila!

If you're a Mac user, instead of the Alt key, use the Command Key + Tab to do the same thing.

Monday, May 17, 2010

TT4T #1 - Minimizing all your open applications

Sometimes when working, you just wanna get to that desktop - to open another file, find another application, or to take a break from whatever you're doing. Here's how to get rid (minimize) all applications on your screen:

In Windows - hold down the WINDOWS key, then press the letter 'M'. This minimizes all open windows to the taskbar for later use, and leaves you with a nice, clean, desktop.

On a Mac - you have multiple options here (ever tried F11?), but the quickest one is to hide your applications by simply holding down the Command Key (⌘), and pressing 'H'. This hides the current application from view.

How do you get back to application/window? Hold down CTRL (on Windows), then press the TAB key. On a Mac, ⌘+TAB will do it!

TT4T - Tech Tips 4 Teachers

I came up with an idea this weekend... Provide tech tips for teachers on a weekly basis. I thought I'd email these to my school district, in order to help out those who are less familiar with all the stuff that can be really helpful. We'll see how it pans out...